x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of R Planet

R Planet

R Planet

6 Channels| 41.0 K Follows
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of R Planet
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of R Planet
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of R Planet
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 4 of R Planet
Game Rank580
Page View9 K

Project Description


We are building paradigm shift products, communities, and platforms where web3s behavior creates purposeful environmental and social progress in the physical world. NFT and blockchain technology have started the digital revolution, but they believe they can use more tokens. Our tokens link utilities and financial opportunities from scratch to purpose, goals, and physical world influences.

๐Ÿ’Ž Above Avatar A collection of high-quality utility-enabled PFPs featuring a variety of rare attributes, knowledge and characteristics. ...

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